
NEW 2009 Soy Milk Maker - SoyQuick Premier Milk Maker 930P (2 machines) Review

NEW 2009 Soy Milk Maker - SoyQuick Premier Milk Maker 930P (2 machines)
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gift for my wife who likes soy milk and liked the taste. Works well and is easy to use. Makes soy milk in under 20 minutes. Cleanup is fairly easy but heed manufacturer's advice and rinse/clean grinder blade and heating elements right after you make the milk or else the soy residue will harden. Noticed that I had to adjust/rotate the top several times to get the power switch to engage. Perhaps we threw in too many soybeans. Overall we are happy with the machine. Luckily dry soy beans are available from local Korean grocery stores.

Click Here to see more reviews about: NEW 2009 Soy Milk Maker - SoyQuick Premier Milk Maker 930P (2 machines)

SoyQuick's "Revolutionary leap in milk making technology" makes the 930P Premier Milk Maker simple to use and quicker than ever to clean up!You've never seen a more versatile, yet easy to use machine as this one.Make smooth, flavorful beverages for only pennies per gallon! SoyQuick's 930P Premier Milk Maker's revolutionary technology out performs conventional soymilk makers and delivers up to 40% more efficiency.

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Click here for more information about NEW 2009 Soy Milk Maker - SoyQuick Premier Milk Maker 930P (2 machines)

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