
Black & Decker Fruit & Vegetable Juicer Extractor Review

Black and Decker Fruit and Vegetable Juicer Extractor
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I purchased this Black and Decker juicer a few years ago and it is still working fine. I feel it is one of the most effective juicers and the price is right! Most juicers are horribly expensive and difficult to clean. This juicer comes apart easily and all the pieces can be washed in the dishwasher.
I find this juicer works best when you cut pieces of fruit and vegetables fairly small. After a few times you learn how small to cut the produce. Like a cucumber must be cut in fourths and apples must be cut into small slices.
If there are any problems with this juicer it is that it vibrates quite a bit while being used. It seems better if you put a cloth/rag under the juicer. This helps to keep the cup collecting the juices stable. It also collects drips and keeps the counter clean.
I have used juicers in the past which were much more difficult to clean so I think that is something to think about especially if you are going to go on a juice fast or use the juicer at least once a day. This juicer is also not very noisy which is a plus if you want to juice in the morning.
~The Rebecca Review

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