
Victorio VKP1056 Stainless Steel Canning Rack - Flat Review

Victorio VKP1056 Stainless Steel Canning Rack - Flat
Average Reviews:

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I just ordered and received this product, awesome delivery time.
You can't tell from the picture on here but the six "spokes" are on the top of the circular rings, therefore creating dividers in the space available.
If I was to do it again I think I would have bought the more expensive rack from Kitchen Krafts that says it has no dividers and holds more jars.
As it is, I have a tall enough pot that I will just turn the rack upside down and see how it goes.

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Keep canning jars from toughing canner or each other. Hot water circulates freely around jars. Unique handle design lets you raise and support jars on edge of canner for easier removal.

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