
Jack LaLanne&#39s Power Juicer (White) Review

Jack LaLanneand#39s Power Juicer (White)
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I've had juicers before. But this one is my favorite. I have the black one, which they don't show here. I found mine at Walmart. They finally started selling them. It is quiet, easy to assemble, and easy to clean. Handsome too! I do have Montel's blender. "But" I really don't care for all of the pulp with my juice, my digestive track really doesn't like it! :) If I want to add more pulp to my juice I only have to go to the bin that holds the pulp! For me, too much pulp effects the flavor of the juice, and not in a good way. I prefer my juice without all the pulp. If I had to choose which one to keep, either the blender by Montel or the Juicer by Jack Lalanne, I'd definitely choose the Juicer by Jack Lalanne. While the blender is good for making doughs and what not, I rarely make pizza dough myself and have a small Ninja for that! :)
I'm just really pleased with this Juicer in every aspect and wanted to share.

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