
Fox Run 2 In 1 Lemon and Lime Juicer Review

Fox Run 2 In 1 Lemon and Lime Juicer
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I bought this item as a gift for my cousin, and asked him for his reaction after using it. Here are his comments:
"I'd give it a three, or maybe a three and a half stars.
It needs to be redesigned so that one doesn't have to apply so much energy to squeeze. I can use just my fingers to squeeze a lemon or a lime, and get probably as much juice. But then I have to scoop out the seeds myself. This squeezer does keep the seeds inside, to be disposed of afterwards.
And I think that there should have been some instructions on which way to put in the lemon or the lime. Even just a picture would do.
Well, I wonder how one would design one that is easy to squeeze. Maybe with a longer handle. (But who would want such a big contraption in the kitchen?) Still, with lots of inventive minds out there, maybe some one can come up with something really innovative.
So, definitely a convenience. I'll be using mine in the future to squeeze lemons and limes."

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The Fox Run 2 in 1 lemon and lime hand juicer makes quick work of a once tedious task. The enameled metal juicer gets every last drop of juice out of the lemon or lime. The drain holes prevent seeds from getting into you juice as well.

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